I can’t be in a room with my ex partner.

We hear this a lot!

As long standing accredited family mediators we are trained to manage conflict. Our job is to hold the space between you and your ex, to ensure you feel safe and empowered to have the conversations that you each feel you need to have; to feel able to express the things that matter to you, a safe space where you can speak and where you can listen.

When lines of communication have broken down and you are each on the end of abusive, angry, accusing texts and messages, the thought of facing each other in the same room can feel overwhelming and often frightening

We know how you feel

We aren’t there to tell you what to do or what to say but we are there to help you both say what you need to say safely and constructively. Our objective is to help you both start to think about shared goals and a more effective way of communicating them in the future. To allow you a space in which to build trust between you which allows you to work together productively.


In some cases it’s not possible to be in the same room together

  • A Court Order preventing one person contacting another eg. a Non-Molestation Order

  • Cases involving social services and safeguarding issues

In these cases we can use what’s called “Shuttle Mediation” where you are in separate rooms and, of course, in any mediation session should it become necessary to separate you, as experienced practitioners we can and often do.

To find out more about how we can help you and to have a free and no obligation chat with one of our mediators simply click the button below.


Telling Your Children You're Divorcing


Child Inclusive Mediation